Wednesday 4 October 2006

Stream of Consciousness

I am currently sitting in class and due to the tedious nature of the material and the fact that I have just had a rather large lunch, the only thing that I can do to stay awake is write my very late blog entry.

Seeing as this is an entirely spontaneous decision I have no specific topic in mind and am therefore going to participate in an experiment of following my stream of consciousness to see what direction it takes us on.

After sitting for several seconds the only thought that came into my mind was that I had been sitting here for several seconds without having a thought except that I hadn’t had a thought yet.

Now my mind is wondering to the completely inane series of words that I am currently stringing together and whether anyone is actually going to be bothered reading through them all to discover something that might make them chuckle or at least peak their interest enough to hopefully come back and read another entry.

Now I’m wondering if I worry too much about whether anyone reads what I write and that perhaps that is not the point of a blog. Maybe the point of a blog is to serve as a journal to the public world. Another lonely voice crying out for attention in this cruel, cruel world.

Now I’m thinking that I really shouldn’t try to get too abstract when writing a blog entry as they quickly begin to sound like a 15 year olds attempt to understand the world, which though interesting to them, seems rather unoriginal to the rest of us.

Now I’m thinking about my own attempts to write or philosophize when I’m in high school and wondering if my realization that those attempts were incredibly bad has stopped me from seriously attempting to do any writing since then. Maybe I really should try to put some of my ideas for a book down on paper (or in some other digitized format that can be read as words) and give it a go.

Well I have found this particular experiment to be incredibly helpful. I must try it again some time. I hope that you will journey again with me.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Well James, Champ...

I think this is a journey best taken only once...