Saturday 7 October 2006

Camping at Sealers Cove

The beautiful Sealers Cove, only accessible by foot or by boat.

Clever Claude
and Lovely Lidiya organised a couples' camping trip at Sealers Cove, Wilson's Prom.
I would highly recommend to anyone who has never been camping before - you gotta try it at least once! This weekend brought back some delicious memories of family camping trips during my childhood and also my high school days...

I could write all about about this wonderful experience, but pictures are worth thousands of words. Numbers can also tell a lot. So with that in mind,

Statistics and photos from our trip:
# photos taken by James and me: 173
# videos taken by James and me: 14
# people in our car: 4 -- thanks for the wonderful company, Kool K's!

total distance walked: 20km
-- 1okm each way
estimated walking time: 3 hrs one way
actual walking time: 2.5 hrs one way -- yeah, we beat the sign by a 1/2 hour!

# competitive people who wanted to get to the campsite first: at least 4

-- go Snares & Staggers!

# tents pitched: 8

# snakes seen: 1
# snakes seen by me: 0

# bugs caught in my clothing: 1
# bugs that freaked me out and made me scream: 1
# crazy guys who went swimming in the freezing cold sea: 3
# crabs on the beach: too many to count

drink of the day: coffee & milk in a tube

charades player of the day: definitely Claude

# people who went climbing on the rocks: 7

# cuts on my feet: 2
# splinters in my feet: 1

# songs written at the campsite: 1
# songs written at the campsite that Claude absolutely loves: 1

# campers: 16

# campers who got a piggy back rides across a stream: at least 5

# campers who will be sore tomorrow: at least 14
# campers who are sore right now: I don't know, but James & I definitely are
# campers who will never forget this wonderful experience: 16
# campers who are running a marathon tomorrow: 1 -- I'm not kidding, promise!

P.S. if you want to see more photos click here.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a gooruan!
Coming thru...

Vicky said...

hey fi, looks like great fun! you still aching? hehe. i remember that i ached for an entire week after climbing mt. kinabalu! and i almost fell down the stairs the day i came back as i didn't know my knees would buckle. haha.
miss u
love, vix

Fiona said...

Vicky!!! You're a blogger! But of course you are. :)
I'm not aching at all today ~ the only bits that hurt are the scratch I got on my foot and one of my toes where
I scratched it on a rock because I was wearing flip-flops climbing the rocks instead of shoes, silly me.
A 10km walk along is really nothing compared to Mt Kinabalu. James and I still have to get ourselves up there. Would you go again? Maybe we can organise a reunion there! LOL - we can all stay with my parents, grandma has a huge house!

Vicky said...

babe, its so sweet how the two of you have a joint blog. haha. i wonder if i'll ever do that with jay... =) you're a much more regular blogger than me - i can never seem to find much time to sit and reflect on what i should write so its mostly rushed and in comment-form.
i'd go mt. k again! we SHOULD have a reunion there - with brian and roger as well! =) hugs

Fiona said...

Vix, totally. Not just my bro Brian but BLiu too. And really anyone who wants to go! Ben Lim apparently lives in KL too now, did you know that?

Vicky said...

no i didn't know abt ben lim. who'd u hear that from? if he is then roger should hook up w/ him. and i'll be in KL 25-28 oct as well. hey what are your christmas plans?