Thursday 9 November 2006

Personality Profiles

At the recent Every Nation South Pacific Leaders Conference we all participated in a personality profile called the DiSC test. It is by far the most insightful personality profile that I have ever participated in. Despite the fact that it was an incredibly brief run through, it was still a lot of fun and very informative.

There are four main types of personality that the test identifies, Dominant, Inspirational, Stability and Conscientiousness. These are loose descriptions of what each personality is like and of course there many different combinations of the different personalities. I am a dominant/ inspirational and fit one of the classic profiles calles the "result-orientated" person.

Some people don't like personality profiles because they don't like being "boxed" in, or they don't like being "labelled". To be honest I think that this is a slightly pridefule perspective. God has given each of us a unique personality and created each of us differently from one another. He has also used different experiences and environments to shape us along the way. This does not mean that there are not similarities between us.

Similarities and common basic styles of perspective can be empiracally proven to exist. Personality profiles do not rob us of our individuality nor take our ability to choose how we live. They can give us an excellent understanding of how God made us and what our strengths and weaknesses are. They don't mean that we can't change nor that we can't adapt and behave differently in different situations. In fact, understanding more about ourselves can enable us to adapt more effectively in different situations.

What I like most about the DiSC profile is that it helps you not only understand yourself but also how others can perceive you. For example, as a dominant-inspirational I can come across as uncaring or angry in pressure situations. Knowing that means I can work at not coming across that way.

The important thing to remember is that just because I have a particular personality type doesn't mean that I can use that as an excuse, "I'm a D-type and thats just the way i am. Deal with it." for example. Rather I have to work on my strengths and my weakness together.

So if any of you get the chance to participate in the DiSC test I highly recommend it. For those of you that know Nelli Atiga, it was actually his new wife Tina, who took us through it :)


Vicky said...

what a very small world!
jay used to work in the company tina's working in now - oti consulting. and he went on and on about DiSC while he was working there. haha.
i'm an Sc - what about you? =)

Fiona said...

Hi Vix!
Do you know Tina? Or is it that only Oti Consulting does the DiSC test? Just wondering how you knew for sure about that.

I came out as an almost pure C. I didn't do the test officially, James brought his home and I just wrote over his. :) So mine is more unofficial.

Vicky said...

haha ok. yeah i met tina once or twice when i dropped by their office. very friendly.
jay did the test on me. he's a high D. haha. a Di i think...
jay attended tina's and nelli's wedding in s'pore.

Fiona said...

Wow! It really is a small world! That is so funny :) Now all I have to do is figure out a way to get you and Jay into our S'pore church. LOL.

Anonymous said...

i have to say.. i am a personality test addict. i wish there was a way we could all take DiSC. it sounds interesting.. for now, i'm still a myers briggs fan all the way.