Thursday 23 November 2006

The Adventures of Law Man

I have stumbled upon my blogging muse. I have sat here for the last ten minutes starting blogs and then realising they were hopelessly boring (or at leastly mildly unentertaining) but now I have my inspiration. I have stumbled upon an idea for a blog, a blog so big that I don't know if this place called cyberspace is ready for it. A blog bound to be so blogular that it could change the face of the universe (or my suburb) as we know it. This blog will serial the Adventures of Lawman!

That's right, James Snare may appear to be a mild mannered campus pastor but for 28 weeks out of the year (plus exams) he becomes Lawman, a part time university student. He is an undercover agent, walking the fine line between minister and student, delving deeply into both worlds . His life is a tangle of ministry appointments and academic assignments constantly requiring James to change back and forth from passionate pastor to the ever studious Lawman, inevitably leading him to question his true identity. Is he Pastor James or is he Lawman? Can these two parts of his complicated psyche ever be reconciled or will they be in constant war with one another? What will the result be for Fiona, his loving wife, bound to this heroic, yet oh so complex soul?

To answer these questions you must stay tuned to the all new Adventures of Lawman. His motto? "Whether by God's grace or man's law... there will be justice for all."

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait! Let the saga begin...