Thursday 9 November 2006

Blogger in Beta

I can be such an impatient person sometimes! I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the day that my blogger dashboard tells me I can switch my account to Blogger Beta. I created a Beta account months ago and started a blog there to test it out. It has since become my main blog to write in because the publishing function on Blogger Beta is so much more efficient.

I love Blogger Beta. I know that the superb Google team is working hard to get things switched over, and I just can't wait. I am even subscribed to the Blogger Buzz blog through my Google Reader, just so I can get the updates as soon as they come through!

Yes, and the rest of you think I'm some crazy psycho addicted to the internet. Truth is, I'm actually addicted to anything Google. I am currently using or testing many of their services (thanks to their wonderful "technology playground", Google Labs), and they all rock.

I am also proud to say my influence must be rubbing off on people a little - not too long ago I received an invite in my email inbox from a friend's Google Calendar. This particular gadget is so awesome! I not only can access my calendar from anywhere in the world online, but I can manage RSVPs with it.

Just the sort of thing that rocks MY world!