Friday 15 December 2006

Her Shopping

I love shopping! For most people, shopping may mean spending a lot of money. For me, that is not necessarily the case ~ money-spending may be involved, but lots of it? Forget it!

I love a bargain! It is a great feeling to pick up an item of clothing at a bargain price. I will hunt high and low for an item of clothing or an accessory that not only fits me well, but fits my budget too. One of my favourite purchases this year was a magazine entitled Bargain Shoppers Guide to Melbourne 2006. Doesn't that say it all?

In order to find such a bargain, time is required. Sometimes I have a specific item (and price) in mind, and other times the search for a bargain buy can take longer because I'm "just looking around". Both forms of shopping have their advantages and disadvantages.

Some people might see shopping as a waste of time. But for me, it is therapeutic. When I am having a stressful day (or week, or month) shopping gives me an outlet to work off some of that pent-up stress.

There is someone else I know who enjoys shopping ~ my brother! Growing up, we used to peruse the markets and street vendors of Hong Kong together. So when I married James, I naturally assumed that he would enjoy shopping. Much to my surprise and dismay, our shopping sprees had the opposite effect on James to me ~ they caused him stress!

Two years and three months of marriage later, we are getting better at working together on this issue. James will tell you that he doesn't enjoy shopping, but I know he does... I've witnessed him spending time at the comic book store perusing the shelves for ages, finally walking away with one or two choice comics. Maybe he doesn't call that shopping, but I certainly do!

So, James, we may be different, but in some ways we are also strangely alike. It's just about finding your niche.