Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Oh yeah, by the way "we're" pregnant...

Except that if you're been in touch with us, this is old news by now - especially as I'm now 30+ weeks along so Baby's official due date is less than 10 weeks away. I'm really hoping it's less than 10 weeks... like maybe the earliest possible date for a full term baby.

And yes, we do know the gender, and no, we're not keeping it a secret - but some of our friends (including my midwife) have expressed the desire to not know, so out of respect for those people I still call the little one Baby Snare instead of "he" or "she" although I have let it slip a few times now.

Names are all picked too - that one IS our little secret til Baby's born.

Why do guys get to say "we're pregnant", anyway? WE'RE? Who decided that? Shouldn't it be "she's"? I know James has the important job of fetching me Milo or ice cream almost every night, but that is seriously nowhere near as tough as carrying this little tyke around in my belly daily! :P

But at least he bought me a nice, modern rocking chair! They're called gliders these days. And I'm sitting in it right now!

Okay, well not in the photo itself. But you get the idea. The matching footstool glides in time with the chair too - ultra-cool!