Thursday, 21 June 2007

My Day Off

It suddenly occurred to me as I was sitting here today that Fiona and I have noticeably different approaches to our days off. So in my (hopefully) successful return to the world of blogging I'd like to post my perfect day off. I'm sure Fiona will return with a post of her soon.

Disclaimer: This is a perfect day off when I have the house to myself and don't have my beautiful, wonderful, funny, loving wife with me. My perfect day off with Fiona is not something that I would necessarily share with the world at large :)

I like to start my perfect day off with a perfectly prepared big breakfast. Sausages, eggs, toast, tomatoes, mushrooms and a vanilla or chocolate milkshake (depending on what mood I'm in).

Next I'd like to read the paper or a good novel if I'm currently engaged with one at the time. An essential part of my perfect day off would be that the dishes would be done without me actually doing them. I'm not sure how this would happen but I clearly envision going throughout the day without having to worry about it.

As I moved into the late morning I'd like to explore what is on cable television. Seeing as this is my perfect day off I'd discover that there is either poker or an American football game on TV.
I would have a truly great burger and fries while watching some awesome hands or the Green Bay Packers clinch a victory in a high scoring game in the fourth quarter.

After watching either of these for a couple of hours I would be picked up by a friend
who I would go trapezing with. I've only done this once but I had so much fun that I would have to make it a part of my best day off.

I would then return home to watch a seriously man's man movie with lots of great one liners and awesome action scenes. (see my previous post about what I want in a good movie). Possibly while eating a great pizza.

Finally I would have my closest friends around to play poker and drink some beer or bourbon and coke with while eating salt and vinegar chips. I would of course take all of my friends money (though not too much) and win the night with a supreme move in the final hand.

It made not sound like much but it sounds pretty darn good to me.

Love to hear what you think.